We had a consultation with Dr. D this afternoon to get some of our questions answered and talk about how to move forward from here. We feel good about our meeting and our doctor remains hopeful that we can get pregnant. He feels better that we got pregnant and miscarried, than he would if we had not gotten pregnant at all. He told us that most miscarriages are a result of a random chromosomal abnormality in the baby, and have little to do with the mother. However, he did test me for an immune disorder that causes the mother's body to attack the embryo. If it turns out that I do have that disorder it can be easily fixed with medication. The only other thing that can be tested for is a chromosomal defect in either or us that is being passed on to the baby. Insurance won't test for this until you've had 3 miscarriages, and if we did test positive for the disorder there is nothing that can be done. It just means that we will have a greater chance for miscarriage than the average couple.
Dr. D told us that we can decide when we're ready to try again and transfer another embryo. (At the very least, I have to wait until I get my period, which should be about a month from now.) He also explained how our next embryo transfer will work since we won't be doing stimulation this time around. It's up to us to decide when we're ready and if we want to transfer one or both of our frozen embryos next time. We have a lot of decisions to make, but we're excited to be moving forward again.
At this point, we haven't decided how quickly we'll move forward and how early we'll share information about our next transfer. We've been doing fertility treatments for nine months now and we feel like we need a break from talking about it. We're so appreciative of your love, support and prayers. We hope that you understand that we're just mentally and emotionally exhausted. Our plan for now is to stay busy, travel, spend time with friends and family and enjoy lots and lots of Tarheel basketball!