Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Now We Wait

Our doctor called this morning to update us on our eggs. We were excited to hear that 8 out of the 10 eggs fertilized. The other 2 were not mature eggs, so it wasn't surprising that they didn't fertilize. We were also excited to learn that my eggs fertilized naturally when mixed with Jeff's sperm and they didn't have to use ICSI, which is a procedure where they manually insert the sperm into the egg.

Now we wait. We wait for our embryo transfer on Sunday morning at 9:00. Then we wait 8 long days for my pregnancy test on February 6th. And in the words of Tom Petty, "The waiting is the hardest part."


  1. Great blog! Very informative. We'll be going through the same process soon and your blog has been very helpful. Good luck with the transfer on Sunday-- baby dust!

  2. Thank you, Ceecee! I read a lot of blogs before we started too. It really helped me to hear about other people's experiences so I had a better idea of what to expect. Good luck to you!
