Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quick Update

The shots are going well so far. I'm not really experiencing any side effects, other than a little soreness around the injection site. I went in to my doctor's office this morning for a quick check up. They did some blood work and I had my first ultrasound. The ultrasound showed about 12-14 follicles on each ovary, 7-8 of which were measurable (between 6-10mm). According to my IVF coordinator, everything looked good! I got the results of my blood work back this afternoon and my Estradiol level was good, so the doctor is going to keep my dosage of Bravelle and Menopur (injections) the same. No need to cut back or add more--I'm right where I should be. My progesterone level was 0.8, which was perfect since they like it to be below 2. That means my body is not trying to ovulate. For now we'll just keep doing what we've been doing and I'll head back to the doctor on Friday morning for my next check-up.

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