Friday, January 20, 2012

Quick Update: Round 2

I went back to the doctor for another round of blood work and an ultrasound today. I had 19 measureable follicles in all. Everything continues to look good! Most of my follciles were between 13-15mm, so they still need a few more days before my eggs will be mature enough to retrieve. My estradiol level was close to 1,000 so I'm cutting back on my medicine from 4 vials to 3.

I'll go back on Sunday morning for another quick ultrasound and more blood work, and possibly again on Monday. Right now I know that I'll take my HCG trigger shot to induce ovulation either on Sunday or Monday night and will have my egg retrieval 36 hours later, on Tuesday or Wednesday. It all depends on how things look on Sunday morning.

I'm still feeling pretty good--no mood swings, headaches, or hot flashes, but I'm very bloated and feeling lots of pressure in my abdomen. It kind of feels like someone is blowing up a balloon inside me. This is a normal side effect from the medication, since my ovaries are swollen from growing so many follicles. It doesn't feel great, but I really can't complain!

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