Monday, February 13, 2012

Exciting News!

WE'RE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After what seemed like the longest week, our doctor told us the good news last Monday. I waited until today to post anything to be sure that my HCG levels (pregnancy hormone) were rising as they should be. In normal, healthy pregnancies HCG should double every 24-48 hours. The first time I was pregnant I had low, slow-rising HCG levels, which was our first indication that the baby wasn't developing normally and I would likely miscarry.  I wanted to be sure that wasn't the case again this time before I posted any news. I'm happy to say that my HCG increased from 153 to 1,948 over the past week. We go back for an ultrasound to (hopefully) confirm a heartbeat on February 29 at 8:30 and then I'll be released to my regular OB. In the meantime, I will continue taking 2 kinds of progesterone, estrogen and baby aspirin to support the pregnancy through the first trimester. Our due date is October 16.

We cannot express enough how much we have appreciated all of your prayers, emails, texts, phone calls,  and cards over the last few weeks. We have felt so loved and supported. Thank you so much! We ask that you continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy, as it is still very early. While we are sharing the news with family and close friends who have kept up with our IVF journey, we are not sharing the news publicly.  So no Facebook comments, please and thank you. :)

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