It's been a really hard weekend for us.
On Friday I started having severe abdominal pain on my right side and my lower back. We immediately called our fertility doctor, but because I wasn't spotting he didn't think I was miscarrying. We had no idea what was wrong. We thought it could be a pulled muscle, a kidney stone, or appendicitis. When I started to vomit from the pain, Jeff decided to take me to the ER. Once there, we found out that I had several really large ovarian cysts, mostly on my right ovary that were causing all of my pain. These are a result of my stimulation medicine and are really nothing more than very large follicles filled with fluid. My biggest was 7cm. They are extremely painful, but will go away on their own. There really isn't any treatment for them except pain medication.
While we were at the ER they checked my HCG level and we were extremely saddened to hear that it had dropped from 1,900 on Monday to 1,500. We knew what that meant. We went back to our fertility doctor today and my HCG had dropped all the way to 330, and they confirmed that I am having another miscarriage. I do not have any bleeding yet, but because my hormones are dropping on their own, they suspect that it will come soon. According to my doctor, this has nothing to do with my ovarian cysts. He said that many people have cysts while they are pregnant and it should not have effected my pregnancy.
To say that we are sad, disappointed, and confused doesn't even begin to cover what we are feeling. We go back to meet with Dr. D on the 29th to discuss everything and hopefully decide how to move forward from here. Please continue to pray for us.
this breaks my heart, I'm so sad :-(. Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. We are always here if you need us.