Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thank You

This has been a crappy week, but because of each of you, it's been a little less crappy. Throughout the week we've gotten the kindest voicemails, text messages, emails and e-cards. Homemade cookies, flowers and chocolate covered strawberries have appeared at our door. Offers for meals and hugs from co-workers have brightened our days. You have no idea how much your prayers, love and support mean to us. Thank you so much.

We'll have to take at least a month off from trying to get pregnant, maybe longer. It's always hard to take time off. It feels like we're wasting time, and after two years of trying to have a baby, that's a very frustrating feeling. However, we know deep down that we need to use this time to recover emotionally and physically. I have been on fertility drugs since June and my body has been through a lot this past month. I'm actually looking forward to a "no hormones added" cycle. We're hoping a mini vacation in March and our upcoming bathroom remodel will be fun distractions and will help the next month or two pass quickly.

Our meeting with Dr. D has been rescheduled for Monday, March 5. I'll post an update after that consult. Hopefully, we'll have a plan for moving forward that we feel good about.

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